What Is VOC? Breaking Down Common VOC Sources and Solutions
2 minute read
What is VOC? VOCs (or volatile organic compounds) are gases that get released from certain chemicals found in cleaning agents and other household items. When these common VOC sources begin releasing large amounts of VOCs into your home’s air, it can become unsafe to breathe.
Currently, there are no general standards that exist regarding ‘safe’ VOC exposure, but the EPA stresses the importance of limiting exposure to VOC sources for better comfort and long-term health. So, if you’re looking to learn how to get of VOCs in your home, we have the tips and tricks to help you improve Indoor Air Quality and reduce the concentration of VOCs in your home’s air.
How to Get Rid of VOCs
Ditch Unnecessary Chemicals
If you have any of these common VOC sources stored in your home, consider removing them for improved health:
- Paint
- Adhesives
- Cleaning products
- Aerosol sprays
- Fuels
- Automotive products
Enact Regular Symptom Check-Ins
Exposure to high levels of VOCs from some of the most common VOC sources can lead to unwanted illnesses or symptoms, including headaches, eye and nose irritation, sore throat, nausea, and worsened asthma symptoms. By regularly checking in with your family can help you address possible VOC dangers in your home.
Make DIY Cleansers
To reduce your exposure to common VOC sources, consider making your own products! Since low- or no-VOC products can be costly and hard to come by, it’s wise (and less expensive) to create your own.
- Make your own all-purpose cleanser using ½ cup white vinegar, ¼ cup baking soda, and ½ gallon of water
- Create a better laundry alternative using 6 cups of water, ⅛ cup of lemon juice, and ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide
Try Odor-Fighting Home Remedies
Eliminate odors without the harmful effects of VOC sources!
- Eliminate kitchen odors by simmering vinegar and water on the stove while you cook
- In your bathroom, choose dried plants and herbs like pine, citrus, or cloves to display in a bowl
- Treat your entire home to fresh air! Use ventilation to flush out odors and VOCs
Install an AprilAire Fresh Air Ventilation System
Bringing in fresh air is key to limiting your exposure to common VOC sources, especially after cooking, crafting, or enjoying a fire. With an AprilAire Fresh Air Ventilation System, you can help bring clean, fresh air into your home and send dirty, polluted air out.
Are you ready to clear the air inside your home? Your local AprilAire Healthy Air Professional can help you find the right solutions for your family.