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Best Places to Live With Asthma: How to Prevent Asthma Attacks & Asthma Symptoms

2 minute read

The prevalence and severity of asthma symptoms and its triggers vary widely across the United States. Whether or not you reside in one of the best places to live with asthma—or the worst—there are certain factors that can impact symptom severity, including air quality, awareness levels, and available medical care. It’s essential to get your child a proper diagnosis and be aware of what might trigger an asthma attack.

Does the latest data consider your state to be one of the best places to live with asthma? Here are the states reporting the lowest asthma symptoms and asthma attacks in adults and children.

Best Places to Live With Asthma

For Adults

These states have the lowest percentage of asthma in adults:

  • Texas: 7.4%
  • Iowa; South Dakota: 7.9%
  • Nevada: 8.0%
  • North Dakota: 8.2%
  • Minnesota: 8.3%

For Children

How different are the states with the lowest percentage of asthma in children when compared to adults? Find out.

  • Nebraska: 5.0%
  • Minnesota; Montana: 5.3%
  • Utah: 5.5%
  • Kentucky: 5.8%
  • Illinois: 6.0%

Worst Places to Live With Asthma

Where there are ‘bests,’ there are also ‘worsts.’ Does your state have the highest percentage of asthma cases?

For Adults

These states take the cake, holding the highest percentage of asthma in adults.

  • West Virginia; Maine: 12.3%
  • Vermont: 12.0%
  • Rhode Island: 11.9%
  • New Hampshire: 11.8%
  • Oregon; District of Columbia (D.C.): 11.6%

For Children

Here are the states that recorded the highest percentage of asthma in children.

  • District of Columbia (D.C.): 10.9%
  • Hawaii: 10.2%
  • Pennsylvania; Connecticut: 9.7%
  • Vermont: 8.8%
  • Indiana: 8.7%

Asthma by Region

Regionally, data shows a clear divide based on where the most asthma-related (from asthma symptoms to asthma attacks) office visits occurred. These rates are per 10,000 persons.

  • Most visits with asthma as first-listed diagnosis: West (438.3)
  • Northeast (313.4)
  • South (290.4)
  • Least visits with asthma as first-listed diagnosis: Midwest (172.0)

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Make Your Home the Best Place to Live With Asthma

If you or your children suffer from asthma symptoms and frequent asthma attacks, the above data can help you find the best places to live with asthma. But no matter where you choose to live, you can turn your home into the ‘best place to live with asthma.’ All you need is Healthy Air!

Talk to your local AprilAire Healthy Air Professional to learn more about protecting your home and family from the dangers of asthma and see what how the all-in-one AprilAire Healthy Air System® can transform your air.

The AprilAire Healthy Air System® consists of several life-changing components, including fresh air ventilation, air purification, dehumidification, and more, to help eliminate triggers and keep asthma symptoms and asthma attacks at bay.

Turn your home into a sanctuary with AprilAire Healthy Air solutions!

The AprilAire Healthy Air System®

Get an all-in-one, whole-house system that offers year-round fresh air ventilation, air purification, humidity control, and more

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