Child-Friendly Experiments For Learning About Germs And Viruses
2 minute read
There has never been a more critical time to teach children the importance of keeping their germs to themselves. But more than simply telling children they need to wash their hands and wear a mask, you can have a real impact by showing them in enjoyable child-friendly experiments for learning about germs and viruses.
Child-Friendly Experiments For Learning About Germs
Glitter, Glitter, Everywhere
In this experiment, glitter is used to represent our germs and how they spread from one thing to another throughout our day if we don’t wash our hands.
Most parents already know that glitter is difficult to get off, which reinforces the importance of washing hands for at least 20 seconds to thoroughly remove harmful germs.
Make A Wish
Typically you want to blow out all the candles on your birthday cake or it means your wish won’t come true. But with this experiment, the more candles left burning, the better!
Everyone’s favorite science guy, Bill Nye, showed how this experiment works in a short video. By trying to blow out the candles through various types of materials, kids can see how some are more effective than others. And it serves as a reminder that masks are an important part of reducing the spread of germs when we cough, sneeze, spit or breathe too close to someone else.
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
It can be a hard concept for young children to understand: There are things in the air that we can’t see that can make us sneeze, cause food to go bad, or make us very sick.
With a few simple household items in this experiment, you can help shed some light on the mystery and reinforce the lessons you’re trying to teach kids about staying healthy. This particular experiment focuses on air quality, which is important to keep in mind at home, in school, and wherever kids venture off to.
Goals For These Child-Friendly Experiments
All these experiments share common learning objectives.
The goals are for kids to:
- Understand what germs are
- Know that germs are everywhere (the air, our hands, surfaces we touch), but are too small to see with our eyes
- Understand that everyone has germs and some germs make people sick
- Understand that washing hands, wearing masks, and keeping our hands out of our mouths, eyes, and noses will help reduce the spread of germs