6 Things to Consider When Planning to Replace Your Furnace
2 minute read
Chances are your HVAC system or furnace isn’t at the top of your mind. But maybe it should be. While many people find themselves faced with unplanned issues, there are lots of ways to be an educated consumer and keep your system running smoothly. Here are 6 ways to be proactive and know when it’s time to replace your furnace before it goes out unexpectedly.
When You Should Replace Your Furnace
Old System
While some may last longer than others, a furnace should realistically be replaced every 15-30 years. While it may seem like it’s still working effectively, there can be issues internally that could lead to health hazards attributed to old furnaces such as dry skin, irritated asthma and allergies, or potentially even more serious conditions. It’s important to be aware of your furnace’s age and replace it before any health issues arise.
Strange Noises
If your furnace is making unusual noises during standard operation, there could be something wrong. You should be familiar with the noise it makes as it begins a heating cycle, and maybe you’ll hear a pop or click here and there. But new or troubling noises such as squealing, thumping, banging, or repeated clicking could be cause for concern.
Temperature Fluctuations
One obvious sign of a working furnace is if your home is a consistent, comfortable temperature. If you begin to experience temperature fluctuations throughout your home, that is a sure sign that your furnace needs to be replaced or repaired.
Dirty Furnace Register
Properly placed and sized furnace registers are crucial to an efficient HVAC system. If you notice that yours is dirty, collecting soot, or not filtering properly, that could be indicative of a larger problem. If these problems persist, you should prioritize getting your system checked or replaced.
High Costs
We like to think of energy bills as a furnace’s trusty fortune teller. Over time, your furnace may lose its efficiency and, as a result, your gas bills may skyrocket. You should keep track of your bills and the work you put into your system to assess when you may need to make repairs or replace your furnace.
Furnace Flames
The actual flames inside your furnace could tell you when it’s time for a replacement. A steady blue flame is normal and a sign that your furnace’s combustion is operating normally. If the flame is yellow or orange, this usually indicates incomplete combustion. This is often a sign that your furnace does not have much time left and will need to be replaced almost immediately.
Find A Healthy Air Pro to Replace Your Furnace
It can be hard to decide when to replace your furnace or HVAC system, but it is so important to get ahead of any potential issues that could lead to unexpected costs and more work. If you plan for anything that could arise, you will be in a better position down the road.
Contact an AprilAire Healthy Air Professional to address any of these issues and find out how we design and build whole-home solutions to help you manage air purity, temperature, humidity, and fresh air supply for your home, no matter the location or environment.
While you’re at it, consider AprilAire’s Indoor Air Quality solutions for your home and tackle everything at once with your Pro. Find a pro today!