How Humidity Affects the Health of Your Family and Home
Humidity and your health go hand in hand.
Airborne viruses are transmitted through tiny droplets called aerosols. When someone sneezes, talks, coughs, and even breathes, thousands of tiny aerosols are released into the air.
Humidity health affects the impact that airborne viruses can have on you and your family’s health.
In dry air, your body’s natural responses are reduced. Additionally, dry air also reduces the size of these infected aerosols increasing the likelihood they get into your body and make you sick.
Humidity health affects aerosol size. Large aerosols grow in size and fall to surfaces. Additionally, excessively humid air also lowers your immune response making you more susceptible to viruses.
Keeping your humidity between 40–60% is the ideal range. Humidity health affects your body’s natural immune responses and reduces the proliferation of airborne viruses.
With AprilAire humidity control solutions, keeping your home’s humidity properly balanced is simple and easy. Just set your humidity and your humidity control units will turn on if the humidity gets too high or too low. While balanced humidity exists between 40 and 60%, it's important to remember that outdoor temperature and other home factors will impact what relative humidity level is attainable and recommended for your house. Talk with your AprilAire Healthy Air Professional to learn more.
Airborne Viruses | Healthy Air System | Dry Air in the House | Moist Air | Airborne Bacteria
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