How to Add Alexa Skills To AprilAire Whole-House Products
2 minute read
You’ve set up your AprilAire Alexa skills, and you’re ready to bask in the glorious atmosphere of your home with your new pal Alexa. There’s just one problem: What do you two talk about? That’s why we’ve put together some icebreakers to help you add Alexa skills to your AprilAire whole-house products. Check back often for more conversation starters as they’re added!
But before we begin, if you have an AprilAire thermostat in your home, you’ll need to specify which thermostat you’re referencing by mentioning the name you chose for them – for example, “Upstairs” or “Downstairs.” You can learn more about naming your thermostats here.
Alexa Skills to AprilAire Whole-House Products
Set Your Preferred Temperature
Alexa, set/turn/change <Thermostat Name> to XX degrees.
You know your home better than anyone else. Similarly, you know the temperature your family prefers in order to function properly throughout the year. All you need to do now is let Alexa know.
Alexa is able to maintain your AprilAire thermostat for you year-round while you tend to more important matters around your home like getting the kids ready for school or paying the bills.
Set it and forget it with Alexa for a happier home environment.
Alexa, raise/increase <Thermostat Name> temperature by X degrees.
No matter what climate you live in, winter months mean cooler weather. Because of this, there’s a good chance you’ll want to raise the temperature to offset the apparent tundra surrounding your home.
For that, there’s Alexa.
Just tell Alexa to raise or increase the temperature by however many degrees you’d prefer. She’ll be happy to help.
Alexa, lower/decrease <Thermostat Name> temperature by X degrees.
Again, no matter the climate you live in, summer months mean warmer weather. Be sure to keep your home cool and drink plenty of water during summertime scorchers to prevent heat-induced injuries, and maintain a healthy home.
Thankfully, with Alexa, lowering your temperature requires very little physical action, allowing you to revel in the cool, refreshing breeze gently circulating throughout your home.
Just tell Alexa to lower or decrease the thermostat temperature by however many degrees you’d prefer. She’s here to help you keep your cool.
Alexa, what is <Thermostat Name> temperature?
Curious what the temperature is in your home? Just ask! Sometimes outside weather conditions can shift dramatically, causing your indoor temperature to rise or drop.
Either way, Alexa is well aware of the temperate climate in your humble abode and can provide you with those details post haste. If you’re not happy with the temperature, see any of the above commands so that Alexa can help you reset your temperature.
Alexa, what is <Thermostat Name> temperature set to?
Did someone forget to adjust the thermostat when they came home? Or maybe the kids are playing around with the thermostat, again. The setpoint of the thermostat dictates where the temperature is heading; thus incorrect settings can cause unnecessary energy usage and more expensive energy bills.
Alexa will let you know what the current setpoint is with this simple command and you can rest easy knowing you may have saved yourself a few bucks.
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Enable the AprilAire Alexa skills on your Amazon Echo device today, and remember to keep checking back here for updated Alexa commands as we add them.