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Raise a Happy, Healthy Home

What is a Healthy Home?

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Before Construction

Healthy Home builders pre-plan constructions that are safer for future residents by using materials and techniques that won’t contaminate the air.

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Healthy Upgrades

Renovations can turn your older home into a Healthy Home via upgrades to your home’s ventilation, air purification, and residential humidification systems.

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Daily Maintenance

Maintaining a Healthy Home combines simple routine annual maintenance with a few lifestyle changes.


Congratulations! You’re building your dream home from the ground up. Here are the blueprints you should consider to turn your dream home into your Healthy Home.

Advice from the Experts

Enjoy several hand-selected resources to guide you on your journey toward a Healthy Home.

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Air Pollution More Dangerous Than Previously Understood: Here Are The Biggest Health Risks And How To Reduce It

Natural and human-made hazardous substances cause air pollution, but there are ways mitigate their negative effects.

Daily Beast

Hold Your Breath—Something in the Air May Explain Why Your Football Team Sucks

Football teams based in cities with higher air pollution are struggling.


Jack Daniel's barrel houses are causing an out-of-control black 'whiskey fungus' in a Tennessee community, enraged residents say

Ethanol vapor, a by-product of distilling processes, is having a huge impact on the air quality of one community and its residents.

Environmental Health News

How wildfires impact your health

Air pollution, climate change brought on by deforestation, and disruption of the food supply chain threaten our health and can all be directly linked to wildfires.


Hot days mean worse air. So why are climate and smog seen as separate?

Global temperatures continue to increase and worsen the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.

Science Daily

Scientists show large impact of controlling humidity on greenhouse gas emissions

Scientists research the impact of controlling humidity as the use of air conditioners continues to rise.


World most polluted cities 2019

See how cities around the world rank in air quality month to month. 2018 yearly averages available also.

Smithsonian Magazine

Wildfire Smoke Linked to Covid-19 Cases and Deaths in the West

Tiny particulate matter (PM2.5) from wildfire smoke is harmful to lung health and weakens the immune system's ability to fight viruses like COVID-19.

The Hill

99 percent of people worldwide breathe air that doesn’t meet WHO standard

The World Health Organization recently revised its guidelines for certain types of air pollution linked to poor health outcomes.


Can you really negate your carbon emissions? Carbon offsets, explained.

What are carbon offsets and do they really help in the fight for climate change?

NAU News

Innovative greenhouse gas dectection software to help cities improve air quality

Professor Kevin Gurney of Northern Arizona University creates maps that revel greenhouse gas sources, helping cities to monitor climate change and sir pollution.

UN Environment Programme

The United States Clean Air Act turns 50: is the air any better half a century later?

Since 1970, the Clean Air Act has brought us a long way in terms of reducing pollutants like lead, ground-level ozone, and carbon monoxide. However, there is still room for improvement.


Wildfire Smoke Impacts Air Quality Across US

Wildfires across the US are becoming larger and longer each year. What does this mean for us?

Global News

86% of Canadians live in areas where air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines: researchers

New World Health Organization guidelines are helping countries to examine air quality and its impact on health.

MIT News

Smarter regulation of global shipping emissions could improve air quality and health outcomes

This study outlines the need to examine pollution sources when creating policies for emission standards.

The Times Of India

Effects of air pollution on the environment and human health

Air pollution continues to increase, creating a huge global health issue for all of us.


Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020

Greenhouse gases continued to rise during 2020 despite the pandemic. Fossil fuel emissions, livestock farming and other human activity continue to drive climate change.

Environmental Health News

Climate change, inversions, and the rise of “super pollution” air events

Temperature inversions are becoming more and more prevalent, causing an increase in episodes of dense air pollution.

The New York Times

E.P.A., Citing Coronavirus, Drastically Relaxes Rules for Polluters

New guidelines will decrease government oversight of routine compliance monitoring, lab analysis, integrity testing, and more.


Clean air matters for a healthy brain

Researchers from the University of South Carolina link Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive impairments to PM2.5 levels in air pollution.

MIT News

How data science gives new insight into air pollution in the US

Data science is illuminating how air pollution affects various socioeconomic and racial groups.

Science Daily

Melting snow contains a toxic cocktail of pollutants

Researchers in Montreal have discovered that urban snow absorbs car emissions and alters the concentrations of nanoparticles, both of which contribute to air pollution.

Mother Jones

How China's Filthy air is screwing with our weather

Wondering about the increase of cold snaps and heavy storms in America? Scientists have identified Asia's air pollution as one factor in these extreme weather conditions.

Mother Jones

Is Your City Smart About How to Protect You From Pollution?

Zoning policies that have historically encouraged exclusion of certain groups are now being used to address air pollution concerns, promoting environmental justice reforms.

The Straits Times (International Edition)

Coronavirus crisis helps clear the air on climate and pollution

Big drops in air pollution around the world continue to highlight our need to address climate change.


Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions

As transport-derived emissions have decreased, the focus on air pollution caused by chemicals from household and industrial substances is growing.


Poison in the Air

Using data analysis and modeling, ProPublica has developed an interactive map that helps to uncover geographic locations with dangerous levels of air pollution.

Green Car Congress

Ice core data show why air pollution is dropping more slowly in US and Western Europe despite lower sulfur emissions

A new study explains why sulfate levels in the atmosphere have been slow to decline despite a reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions.

Everyday Health

New WHO Guidelines for Air Quality Could Save Millions of Lives

The World Health Organization has updated its air quality guidelines for the first time since 2005, providing recommendations for safe levels of six pollutants that have shown evidence of being the most harmful to health.

BBC News

Coronavirus: Nasa images show China pollution clear amid slowdown

Satellite images show that air pollution has decreased dramatically in China since the onset of COVID-19.


Europe's 100 Most Polluted Cities

Emanuela Barbiroglio provides information about air pollution levels across Europe along with its various causes.

NBC News

It's Not Just the Heat, It Really Is the Humidity: Know the Risks

Humidity can have a bigger impact than you might think. Explore ways to stay cool and comfortable in the summer.

New York Times

Every Place Has Its Own Climate Risk. What Is It Where You Live?

Curious about whether our climate will ever impact you in a significant way? Explore this interactive tool.

The City Fix

The Most Successful Air Pollution Treaty You've Never Heard Of

The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution has been fighting against air pollution and climate change since 1979. Read about the concrete results they delivered and how they achieved them.

The State

Hurricanes repeatedly devastate this SC town, leaving a stinking threat behind: Mold

Learn about one of the health-damaging, ongoing effects of this natural disaster.

New York Times

Achoo! Climate Change Lengthening Pollen Season in U.S., Study Shows

One of many climate change outcomes, pollen season seems to be growing in both length and intensity.


Clearing the air on weather and air quality

Learn about ground-level ozone, particulate matter, and how both interact with weather to impact air quality.

Havard Health Publishing

Easy ways you can improve Indoor Air Quality

Reducing indoor allergens will help improve your health. It's not as difficult as you may think!

The Washington Post

Gas stoves in kitchens pose a risk to public health and the planet, research finds

Scientists and climate advocates are pushing for a switch to all-electric stoves. Find out why.


8 Radon Myths Busted by an AprilAire Expert During National Radon Action Month

Have you ever heard of radon? It's a hot topic with homeowners these days.

The New York Times

Scientists Call on C.D.C. to Set Air Standards for Workplaces, Now

Experts want the Biden administration to set standards for indoor environments that limit the transmission of airborne viruses.


How To Make Indoor Air Safer

Respiratory droplets and aerosols are two different things. Each can contain virus particles, but differ in the amount, along with the level of risk to your health.

The Asahi Shimbun

Screens showing CO2 level set up at venues to lessen virus risk

Japan is looking at levels of CO2 concentration in the air to determine whether public spaces are properly ventilated.

BBC Future

The surprising dangers of cooking and cleaning

Most of us spend the majority of our lives indoors. So it's important to know what indoor air pollutants are and how to reduce them.

The New York Times

The Coronavirus Is Airborne Indoors. Why Are We Still Scrubbing Surfaces?

Ventilation, air filtration...read about why the focus is moving away from surface disinfection in the fight against COVID-19 spread.

PR Newswire

Study Shows That 60% Of Employees Would Take A Pay Cut To Have Better Air Quality and Hygiene In Their Workplace

Turns out that many of us value work environments with good hygiene practices, proper ventilation and air filtration.

Chattanooga Times Free Press

What plants clean air the best?

Discover how plants can reduce the presence of toxic volatile organic compounds in your home and other environments.

Connecticut Business & Industry Association

CDC Emphasizes Ventilation as Employees Return to Work

Learn about steps you can take to reduce airborne particle concentrations.


Air quality linked to cardiac 'events,' heart disease patients unaware

There is a relationship between air quality and cardiovascular disease. Discover how you can protect yourself and stay healthy.

The New York Times

How to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus Variants

What can we do to stay healthy?

Fast Company

Your office air is making you stupider

A recent Harvard University study found that polluted indoor air, fine particulate matter specifically, impairs cognitive performance.

American Family Insurance

What Should Your Basement Humidity Level Be?

Ever wonder how much humidity is too much humidity when it comes to your basement? Read on to find out and to learn more about basement humidity.

The Atlantic

Employers Have Been Offering the Wrong Office Amenities

An unexpected benefit of the COVID-19 pandemic: better workplace air quality.


New Report Shows How To Make Schools More COVID-Safe Next Fall

Check out highlights from a brand new report out of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. The report emphasizes the importance of ventilation for reducing the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms.


Mold Course Chapter 2: Why and Where Mold Grows

This article contains useful information about what conditions foster mold growth and what you can do about it.

Indoor Chem

Humans Identified as the Largest Source of Volatile Organic Chemicals in Indoor Air

A US research team finds that 57% of the volatile organic compounds found in a university lecture theater came from people and their possessions.

U.S. Green Building Council

Preparation in the Pandemic: How Schools Implemented Air Quality Measures to Protect Occupants from COVID-19

The Center for Green Schools and ASHRAE co-authored this comprehensive report on how school districts across the U.S. have addressed Indoor Air Quality concerns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic thus far.

National Public Radio

We need to talk about your gas stove, your health and climate change

Are there health risks associated with using a gas stove? Possibly. Read on to learn about common pollutants and what you can do to protect yourself.


6 Tips For Healthy Below-Grade Spaces

Get the scoop on the exhaust fans, humidity levels, carpeting in your basement and more.


Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools

Use this table as a guide for protecting the health of children and teenagers during outdoor activity.


Covid Winter Is Coming. Could Humidifiers Help?

Low humidity helps viruses to spread and survive in your body. Find out how and why, along with how much humidity you really need.

Kaiser Health News

As Schools Spend Millions on Air Purifiers, Experts Warn of Overblown Claims and Harm to Children

As students slowly return to the classroom, schools are under pressure to ensure that the air inside their buildings is virus-free. This may be leading to unexpected harmful outcomes.


Using a humidifier in your home this winter could lower the risk of coronavirus transmission and give your immune system a leg up

Prevent virus spread and promote immune system health by increasing humidity levels in your home and other indoor spaces.


Preventing Mold in Your Home by Controlling Moisture

Control the overall level of moisture in your home to prevent mold growth. Monitor humidity levels, use exhaust fans, dry up water spills quickly and much more.

United States Consumer Product Safety Comission

The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality

Explore current Indoor Air Quality concerns and their causes. Learn about what you can do to improve the air quality in your home and other indoor environments.

American Lung Association

Cleaning Supplies and Household Chemicals

Household products can sometimes contain ingredients that are harmful to your respiratory health. Learn about healthier options for cleaning and deodorizing.


Covid gives us a chance to fix indoor air pollution forever

Studies continue to show that good Indoor Air Quality is important for physical and mental health.


How To Improve Air Quality in Your Home

Pets, ventilation, moisture, and more. Learn about how these things affect the air quality in your home and what you can do about it.

Environmental Protection Agency

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit

Here's a practical plan from the EPA that schools can use to remedy Indoor Air Quality problems at little-or no-cost.


Air quality expert recommends fourth 'W' to limit virus exposure: Open windows

An easy, free and useful strategy to prevent virus spread indoors, opening windows promotes fresh air ventilation.


How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Simple strategies to improve the air quality in your home for better health.


Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits

When the Southern California Gas company installed air filters in Los Angeles Unified School District classrooms after a gas leak, something unexpected happened: test scores went up

The Atlantic

The Plan to Stop Every Respiratory Virus at Once

An unexpected benefit? COVID-19 has made us realize the importance of building ventilation and ventilation standards to prevent the spread of viruses.

The Environmental Magazine

Air Quality at Home: 10 Ways to Purify Your Indoor Environment Naturally

Tips for improving the air quality in your home naturally. Indoor plants, essential oils, ceiling fans, and more.

The New York Times

How to Keep the Coronavirus at Bay Indoors

Don't underestimate the power of an open window or an oscillating fan. Get thinking about ways to keep the coronavirus out of your indoor spaces.

Fast Company

Before the next pandemic, it’s time to regulate Indoor Air Quality

Researchers are asking the government to think about regulating air quality.

Consumer Reports

13 Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

Discover new ways to make the air in your home cleaner and more healthy. Breathe easy!

Illinois Department of Public Health

Moisture in the Home

This fact sheet provides lots of useful information about sources of moisture in the home and the impact it can have.

Silent Spring

Air quality in “green” housing affected by toxic chemicals in building materials

Even in the green building industry, there are building materials used that create VOCs.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Keep Your Cool in Hot Weather!

Heat-related illness can affect everyone. Learn about how to protect yourself from summer scorchers.

USA Today

Air pollution inside my house could kill me. What are you breathing in at your home?

A review of how indoor air can be unhealthy, and the impacts it can have.

Environmental Protection Agency

Indoor Air Quality and Student Performance

How Indoor Air Quality impacts student performance in schools

Occupational Health and Safety

Breathe Cleanly - Steps to Purify The Air In Your Home

Steps to take to purify the air in your home

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers - Printable Version

What can you do as a builder or building owner to improve air quality?


Another look at Indoor Air Quality and "the indoor generation"

Humans are spending more time indoors than ever before - but at what cost?

BBC News

Air pollution cancer breakthrough will rewrite the rules

Why do non-smokers get lung cancer sometimes? Researchers looked at the impact of PM2.5 on human cells.


Air Pollution Hurts Your Heart. But You Can Protect Yourself.

Air pollution doesn't just harm your lungs. Learn about ways to reduce the risk to your health.


Study Reveals 74% of US Workers Anxious Over Indoor Air Quality

Concerned about the quality of indoor air? Find out how you can leverage your HVAC system to help.

Global Health News Wire

scientists to who: requirements for ventilation systems must be reinforced

Researchers are calling on the World Health Organization to include air quality when developing standards for airborne pathogen control.

The Guardian

Air pollution likely to increase coronavirus death rate, warn experts

Underlying health damage caused by air pollution is likely to increase the coronavirus death rate.

Berkeley Lab

Ventilation Rates and Respiratory Illness

Studies indicate that low ventilation rates in buildings correspond with increased rates of respiratory illness in building occupants.

Bloomberg CityLab

Your Old Radiator Is a Pandemic-Fighting Weapon

Historically, the design of heating systems has been influenced by ideas of how to fight airborne diseases.

The New York Times

Now Is the Time to Take Care of Your Lungs. Here’s How.

Air pollution, smoking, and other factors that negatively impact lung health may worsen COVID-19 outcomes.


UCF study shows masks, ventilation stop COVID spread better than social distancing

This recent study from the University of Central Florida used computer modeling to examine how mask use and ventilation strategies impact virus transmission.

Max Planck Institute For Chemistry

Ventilation made easy

Read about this research project at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry that focuses on using ventilation to remove infectious aerosol particles from indoor air.

Urban Land Institute

Confronting COVID-19: Social Distancing, Buildings, and Lessons from Asia

Learn about strategies for building environments that can help the transmission and spread of the novel coronavirus.

The Guardian

Do you need to wash your groceries? And other advice for shopping safely

Tips for grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York Times

Mold Can Make Your Family Sick. Here’s How to Get Rid of It.

Learn more about mold, how it can affect you and what you can do to stop it from taking over your space.

University of Minnesota (CIDRAP)

Yet more data support COVID-19 aerosol transmission

Inadequate ventilation in buildings can increase the transmission and spread of COVID-19.

Medical Xpress

Reduced humidity linked to increased COVID-19 risk

A recent study conducted in Sydney, Australia examines the relationship between humidity and COVID-19 transmission.


FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Launches Effort to Improve Ventilation and Reduce the Spread of COVID-⁠19 in Buildings

The Clean Air in Buildings Challenge strives to improve Indoor Air Quality practices within organizations of all kinds.


Stability of COVID-19 and Treatment of Vented Air

Can we use portable furnaces to decontaminate virus-laden building exhaust?


CDC must encourage better ventilation to stop coronavirus spread in schools, experts say

Should the CDC be sending a stronger message to schools about the importance of proper ventilation to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

Harvard Kennedy School BELFER CENTER for Science and International Affairs

Indoor Ventilation Strategies to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 at Home

Researchers discuss practical strategies for increasing ventilation indoors that include fresh, filtered, and flowing air.

Physician's Weekly

Hotter Temperatures, Higher Humidity May Reduce COVID-19 Spread

New research suggests that higher temperatures and increased humidity may help to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The Atlantic

Everyone Thinks They’re Right About Masks

How safe is it to go outside during the coronavirus pandemic? Should I wear a mask? Explore the answers to these questions and more?

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Air-quality issues led to student headaches and burning eyes. Here's what the district is doing about it.

Learn about what one school district is doing to correct elevated carbon dioxide levels in classrooms.

National Public Radio

How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus That Can Linger In The Air

Learn about how you can control the air in your environment to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19.


The Right Level of Humidity May Be Important Weapon in Fighting Coronavirus, New Studies Show

Two scientists from very different parts of the world discover that temperature and humidity are important things to consider in the fight against COVID-19.

The Inquirer

Wiping surfaces is fine for the coronavirus, but the main risk is through the air. How to tell if your ventilation is OK.

Take a closer look at indoor ventilation methods and how they help to minimize the spread of coronavirus in the air.

Havard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics

Seasonality of SARS-CoV-2: Will COVID-19 go away on its own in warmer weather?

Explore the factors that may contribute to the seasonal nature of respiratory virus transmission.

The Atlantic

We Need to Talk About Ventilation

If airborne transmission of COVID-19 is an increasing concern, what can we do to mitigate the impact? Start by looking at ventilation.

Journal of Global Health

Fighting COVID-19 with water

Recent data supports the idea that cold, dry air increases the transmission of coronavirus and other respiratory viruses.

SSRN (Social Science Research Network)

The Effects of Increased Pollution on COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

Recent environmental regulation rollbacks are associated with increased COVID-19 cases and deaths as a result of higher air pollution levels.

Mother Jones

Your City’s Air Pollution Could Make COVID-19 Even More Dangerous

Exposure to air pollution, both past and present, can leave individuals more vulnerable COVID-19.


Coronavirus Brings Cabin Humidity Levels into Question

Emergency room physician, Jeff Gusky, shares his thoughts about how humidity may be the key in helping to reduce COVID-19 transmission during air travel.

Harvard Health Publishing

Coronavirus Resource Center

Harvard Medical School shares FAQ's, new information, and a podcast about the new coronavirus and COVID-19.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Governor Evers and DHS Urge Wisconsinites to Test Their Home for Radon

Radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Educate yourself about how to protect your home and health.

Popular Science

Tiny dust particles could help spread viruses like the flu

Dust particles can be responsible for more than just allergies. They can also be handy host for viruses as they travel through the air.


Italian study shows ventilation can cut school COVID cases by 82%

An experiment carried out between September 2021 and January 2022 showed that mechanical ventilation systems reduced the spread of COVID-19 in Italian schools.

The Science of the Total Environment

Effects of temperature and humidity on the daily new cases and new deaths of COVID-19 in 166 countries

This study examines what effect temperature and relative humidity has had on daily COVID-19 cases and deaths around the world.

The Washington Post

The coronavirus is deadly enough. But some experts suspect bad air makes it worse.

The novel coronavirus is having a significant negative impact on our health. However, other factors like poor air quality may be worsening outcomes even further.

The Guardian

Covid loses 90% of ability to infect within 20 minutes in air – study

Recent research emphasizes the significance of short-range COVID transmission.

The Atlantic

We’re Just Rediscovering a 19th-Century Pandemic Strategy

Fresh air is just as important now as it was a century ago. Ventilation strategies are holding up to the test of time.


The Air Quality In Your Home May Be Worse Than In Your Office Building

A study conducted by Texas A&M University School of Public Health study found that concentrations of certain pollutants were significantly higher in the participants’ homes compared to their offices.

wfaa.com - ABC News

Could high humidity slow the spread of COVID-19?

Emergency room physician, Jeff Gusky, talks about the relationship between humidity and the spread of viruses.

World Health Organization

Ventilation and airborne diseases

Poorly ventilated buildings don't just contribute to poor air quality - they can also foster the spread of airborne diseases.


Minimizing Coronavirus Transmission through Hospital Mechanical and Plumbing Systems

HEPA filtration, increased humidity, and 100% use of outside air are just some of the preventative strategies explored in this article.


COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act

Droplets? Fomites? Aerosols? How is COVID-19 really transmitted and how does this impact prevention?

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Associations

COVID-19 Guidance

See what REHVA experts have to say about building operation and service practices during the COVID-19 outbreak.


They Say Coronavirus Isn't Airborne—but It's Definitely Borne By Air

The novel coronavirus may not be considered an airborne virus in the truest sense by public health officials but that doesn't mean it is completely grounded either.

The Conversation

How to use ventilation and air filtration to prevent the spread of coronavirus indoors

Explore practical tools that you can use indoors to reduce the spread of virus particles.

U of T Engineering News (University of Toronto)

Air filtration and COVID-19: Indoor air quality expert explains how to keep you and your building safe

Can air filtration protect someone from getting COVID-19? What kind of filter is effective? Get the answers to these questions and more.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASHRAE Resources Available to Address COVID-19 Concerns

ASHRAE provides guidance to building industry professionals regarding ways to address COVID-19 concerns when managing HVAC systems.


Japan supercomputer shows humidity affects aerosol spread of coronavirus

A Japanese supercomputer supports the importance of proper humidification in reducing the spread of virus particles.


Coronavirus: Humidity key to minimize virus transmission — study

Indian and German researchers discuss the importance of humidity standards for public indoor environments.

BBC Future

Covid-19: How long does the coronavirus last on surfaces?

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can survive on surfaces longer than you might expect. It's about more than washing your hands and wearing a mask.

Aerosol and Air Quality Research

An Overview on the Role of Relative Humidity in Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Indoor Environments

This study highlights the importance of a 40-60% relative humidity standard for indoor environments.

National Geographic

Here’s how coronavirus spreads on a plane—and the safest place to sit

Air travel is a game changer when is comes to the spread of respiratory illnesses like the novel coronavirus. Check out the probability of coming into contact with the virus if there is an infected person on your flight.

The Hill

The coronavirus outbreak is an epidemiological situation unique to China

The number of coronavirus cases in China is not the only factor to consider when looking at this recent epidemic. Societal and cultural differences also play an important role.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities

Protect yourself and others from spreading COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses by engaging in healthy practices like hand washing, disinfection, and more. Keep your community healthy!

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Indoor Air Quality

Learn about indoor air pollutants and how they impact Indoor Air Quality and the respiratory system.

Environmental Health Perspective

Pollen Overload: Seasonal Allergies in a Changing Climate

Evidence suggests that the number of people suffering from seasonal allergies will rise in a changing climate due to longer growing seasons and rising C02 levels.

National Public Radio

When LA's Air Got Better, Kids' Asthma Cases Dropped

The Southern California Children's Health Study shows positive health trends occur when air pollution is reduced. As pollution decreased, so did the number of new asthma cases in children.

CTV News

Increasing indoor humidity can protect against the flu: researchers

Scientists are discovering that dry air helps viruses and bacteria to live longer, while also interfering with our body's natural ability to rid itself of these particles.


‘Green’ buildings appear to boost health of low-income residents

According to a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) study, residents of low-income housing appear to benefit from living in “green” buildings that improve Indoor Air Quality.

Environmental Protection Agency

Report on the Environment : Indoor Air Quality

An EPA review of Indoor Air Quality

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

What is a mold allergy?

Learn about what a mold allergy is, symptoms to watch for, and current treatments. Discover ways to prevent allergic reactions to mold growth in your home.

Visual Capitalist

Safe Spaces: Why Indoor Air Quality Has Never Mattered More

Sick building syndrome and airborne viruses are contributing to the increased attention surrounding Indoor Air Quality systems.


ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Releases Updated Airborne Transmission Guidance

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers shares an official statement re: the airborne transmission of SARS CoV-2 in buildings.


Manufacturers Look at Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality While Controlling Costs

The coronavirus pandemic has pushed IAQ to the forefront for building owners. Read about how they are meeting the challenge head on.

Smarter House

Whole-House Ventilation Strategies

Learn about the three main types of ventilation used in homes: Exhaust-Only, Supply-Only and Balanced

U of T Engineering News (University of Toronto)

Air filtration and COVID-19: Indoor air quality expert explains how to keep you and your building safe

Can air filtration protect someone from getting COVID-19? What kind of filter is effective? Get the answers to these questions and more.

The Atlantic

How I Mastered the Art of Ventilating My Home

Fans, fans, and more fans! Learn about how strategic placement of these inexpensive devices can help to ventilate your space.

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Air Cleaners, HVAC Filters, and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Air cleaners and HVAC filters can offer a strong defense against transmission of COVID-19 when used in conjunction with other strategies such as ventilation and mask wearing.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Portable Air Cleaners: Selection and Application Considerations for COVID-19 Risk Reduction

This reference document provides a guideline for the use of portable air cleaners as part of a layered strategy to fight the spread of COVID-19.


Minimizing Coronavirus Transmission through Hospital Mechanical and Plumbing Systems

HEPA filtration, increased humidity, and 100% use of outside air are just some of the preventative strategies explored in this article.

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Associations

COVID-19 Guidance

See what REHVA experts have to say about building operation and service practices during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Urban Land Institute

Confronting COVID-19: Social Distancing, Buildings, and Lessons from Asia

Learn about strategies to use in building environments that can help the transmission and spread of the novel coronavirus.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASHRAE Resources Available to Address COVID-19 Concerns

ASHRAE provides guidance to building industry professionals regarding ways to address COVID-19 concerns when managing HVAC systems.


The Air Quality's Terrible Out There. So How Can You Keep It Clean Indoors?

Want to know more about keeping your indoor air clean? Check out this podcast from a Northern California member station of NPR and PBS.


Why You Should Take Home Ventilation Seriously

Indoor air can be polluted with dust mites, pet dander, mold, and much more. Whole-home ventilation strategies can help.


Filtration and Disinfection

ASHRAE shares recommendations for the use and care of HVAC filters during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ventilation should be part of the conversation on school reopening. Why isn’t it?

One parent talks about why air filtration and other COVID-19 prevention practices may not be enough for kids returning to school.


Why the fight against COVID-19 must include indoor air humidity

An often overlooked aspect of poor health and virus transmission is dry indoor air.


Discussing the CDC and ASHRAE Recommendations for HVAC Systems

It's important to consider unique building environments, current design, climate and more when modifying HVAC systems to prevent virus spread.


Airborne transmission of coronavirus has made high-end air filtration systems more popular than ‘toilet paper in April’ as HVAC systems sell out

Mounting evidence indicates that proper air filtration and ventilation can reduce the spread of coronavirus. A big increase in air filtration system sales is the result.

Environmental Protection Agency

Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home

This short consumer guide from the EPA includes information about portable air cleaners, furnace and HVAC filters used in the home. Also contains tips for selecting a portable air cleaner, furnace filter, or HVAC filter.

National Public Radio

Coronavirus FAQ: Is It A Good Idea To Buy An Air Cleaner For My Home?

Air cleaners could play an important role in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in your home and other indoor environments.


Top ten ways homeowners can ensure good Indoor Air Quality

Learn about how to store volatile compounds, good ventilation techniques for your home, proper placement of HVAC systems, and much more.


A gym trainer exposed 50 athletes to Covid-19, but no one else got sick because of a ventilation redesign

Read about how one gym owner and member worked together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the facility, while promoting wellness by allowing doors to stay open.

National Association of Home Builders

NAHB Identifies Top Features and Design Trends for 2021 in the Wake of COVID-19

See how COVID-19 has recently impacted trends in home design.


THE SURPRISING TRUTH ABOUT INDOOR AIR QUALITY Home builders are finding IAQ is a powerful home selling differentiator.

Home builders are discovering the importance of IAQ as a powerful selling tool.

Parks Associates

Almost 50% of US broadband households have a health condition sensitive to Indoor Air Quality

Recent statistics confirm that many people have health conditions that are imapcted by Indoor Air Quality.

Your Home: Australia's guide to environmentally sustainable homes

The healthy home

This article provides useful information about indoor air pollutants and their effect on health for better decision making during home rennovation or new building projects.

American Lung Association

New Construction and Remodeling Tips

Check out these helpful tips for new home construction or remodeling projects.

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Breathe easy: Indoor air quality tips

Eliminating excess moisture and reducing appliance emissions are some of the strategies suggested in this article for improving the Indoor Air Quality in your home.

Building Design & Construction

Healthy air systems have become the new “standard equipment.”

Progressive builders, in tune with home buyer demand, are beginning to see the value of specializing in "healthy home" building design.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Indoor Air Pollutants and Toxic Materials

This chapter in the CDC's Healthy Housing Reference Manual discusses various indoor air pollutants and how to mitigate their effects on your health.


Even ‘green’ homes contain hazardous chemicals

Are green homes actually green?

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Air Pollution More Dangerous Than Previously Understood: Here Are The Biggest Health Risks And How To Reduce It

Natural and human-made hazardous substances cause air pollution, but there are ways mitigate their negative effects.

Daily Beast

Hold Your Breath—Something in the Air May Explain Why Your Football Team Sucks

Football teams based in cities with higher air pollution are struggling.


Jack Daniel's barrel houses are causing an out-of-control black 'whiskey fungus' in a Tennessee community, enraged residents say

Ethanol vapor, a by-product of distilling processes, is having a huge impact on the air quality of one community and its residents.

Environmental Health News

How wildfires impact your health

Air pollution, climate change brought on by deforestation, and disruption of the food supply chain threaten our health and can all be directly linked to wildfires.


Hot days mean worse air. So why are climate and smog seen as separate?

Global temperatures continue to increase and worsen the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.

Science Daily

Scientists show large impact of controlling humidity on greenhouse gas emissions

Scientists research the impact of controlling humidity as the use of air conditioners continues to rise.


World most polluted cities 2019

See how cities around the world rank in air quality month to month. 2018 yearly averages available also.

Smithsonian Magazine

Wildfire Smoke Linked to Covid-19 Cases and Deaths in the West

Tiny particulate matter (PM2.5) from wildfire smoke is harmful to lung health and weakens the immune system's ability to fight viruses like COVID-19.

The Hill

99 percent of people worldwide breathe air that doesn’t meet WHO standard

The World Health Organization recently revised its guidelines for certain types of air pollution linked to poor health outcomes.


Can you really negate your carbon emissions? Carbon offsets, explained.

What are carbon offsets and do they really help in the fight for climate change?

NAU News

Innovative greenhouse gas dectection software to help cities improve air quality

Professor Kevin Gurney of Northern Arizona University creates maps that revel greenhouse gas sources, helping cities to monitor climate change and sir pollution.

UN Environment Programme

The United States Clean Air Act turns 50: is the air any better half a century later?

Since 1970, the Clean Air Act has brought us a long way in terms of reducing pollutants like lead, ground-level ozone, and carbon monoxide. However, there is still room for improvement.


Wildfire Smoke Impacts Air Quality Across US

Wildfires across the US are becoming larger and longer each year. What does this mean for us?

Global News

86% of Canadians live in areas where air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines: researchers

New World Health Organization guidelines are helping countries to examine air quality and its impact on health.

MIT News

Smarter regulation of global shipping emissions could improve air quality and health outcomes

This study outlines the need to examine pollution sources when creating policies for emission standards.

The Times Of India

Effects of air pollution on the environment and human health

Air pollution continues to increase, creating a huge global health issue for all of us.


Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020

Greenhouse gases continued to rise during 2020 despite the pandemic. Fossil fuel emissions, livestock farming and other human activity continue to drive climate change.

Environmental Health News

Climate change, inversions, and the rise of “super pollution” air events

Temperature inversions are becoming more and more prevalent, causing an increase in episodes of dense air pollution.

The New York Times

E.P.A., Citing Coronavirus, Drastically Relaxes Rules for Polluters

New guidelines will decrease government oversight of routine compliance monitoring, lab analysis, integrity testing, and more.


Clean air matters for a healthy brain

Researchers from the University of South Carolina link Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive impairments to PM2.5 levels in air pollution.

MIT News

How data science gives new insight into air pollution in the US

Data science is illuminating how air pollution affects various socioeconomic and racial groups.

Science Daily

Melting snow contains a toxic cocktail of pollutants

Researchers in Montreal have discovered that urban snow absorbs car emissions and alters the concentrations of nanoparticles, both of which contribute to air pollution.

Mother Jones

How China's Filthy air is screwing with our weather

Wondering about the increase of cold snaps and heavy storms in America? Scientists have identified Asia's air pollution as one factor in these extreme weather conditions.

Mother Jones

Is Your City Smart About How to Protect You From Pollution?

Zoning policies that have historically encouraged exclusion of certain groups are now being used to address air pollution concerns, promoting environmental justice reforms.

The Straits Times (International Edition)

Coronavirus crisis helps clear the air on climate and pollution

Big drops in air pollution around the world continue to highlight our need to address climate change.


Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions

As transport-derived emissions have decreased, the focus on air pollution caused by chemicals from household and industrial substances is growing.


Poison in the Air

Using data analysis and modeling, ProPublica has developed an interactive map that helps to uncover geographic locations with dangerous levels of air pollution.

Green Car Congress

Ice core data show why air pollution is dropping more slowly in US and Western Europe despite lower sulfur emissions

A new study explains why sulfate levels in the atmosphere have been slow to decline despite a reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions.

Everyday Health

New WHO Guidelines for Air Quality Could Save Millions of Lives

The World Health Organization has updated its air quality guidelines for the first time since 2005, providing recommendations for safe levels of six pollutants that have shown evidence of being the most harmful to health.

BBC News

Coronavirus: Nasa images show China pollution clear amid slowdown

Satellite images show that air pollution has decreased dramatically in China since the onset of COVID-19.


Europe's 100 Most Polluted Cities

Emanuela Barbiroglio provides information about air pollution levels across Europe along with its various causes.

NBC News

It's Not Just the Heat, It Really Is the Humidity: Know the Risks

Humidity can have a bigger impact than you might think. Explore ways to stay cool and comfortable in the summer.

New York Times

Every Place Has Its Own Climate Risk. What Is It Where You Live?

Curious about whether our climate will ever impact you in a significant way? Explore this interactive tool.

The City Fix

The Most Successful Air Pollution Treaty You've Never Heard Of

The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution has been fighting against air pollution and climate change since 1979. Read about the concrete results they delivered and how they achieved them.

The State

Hurricanes repeatedly devastate this SC town, leaving a stinking threat behind: Mold

Learn about one of the health-damaging, ongoing effects of this natural disaster.

New York Times

Achoo! Climate Change Lengthening Pollen Season in U.S., Study Shows

One of many climate change outcomes, pollen season seems to be growing in both length and intensity.


Clearing the air on weather and air quality

Learn about ground-level ozone, particulate matter, and how both interact with weather to impact air quality.

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Havard Health Publishing

Easy ways you can improve Indoor Air Quality

Reducing indoor allergens will help improve your health. It's not as difficult as you may think!

The Washington Post

Gas stoves in kitchens pose a risk to public health and the planet, research finds

Scientists and climate advocates are pushing for a switch to all-electric stoves. Find out why.


8 Radon Myths Busted by an AprilAire Expert During National Radon Action Month

Have you ever heard of radon? It's a hot topic with homeowners these days.

The New York Times

Scientists Call on C.D.C. to Set Air Standards for Workplaces, Now

Experts want the Biden administration to set standards for indoor environments that limit the transmission of airborne viruses.


How To Make Indoor Air Safer

Respiratory droplets and aerosols are two different things. Each can contain virus particles, but differ in the amount, along with the level of risk to your health.

The Asahi Shimbun

Screens showing CO2 level set up at venues to lessen virus risk

Japan is looking at levels of CO2 concentration in the air to determine whether public spaces are properly ventilated.

BBC Future

The surprising dangers of cooking and cleaning

Most of us spend the majority of our lives indoors. So it's important to know what indoor air pollutants are and how to reduce them.

The New York Times

The Coronavirus Is Airborne Indoors. Why Are We Still Scrubbing Surfaces?

Ventilation, air filtration...read about why the focus is moving away from surface disinfection in the fight against COVID-19 spread.

PR Newswire

Study Shows That 60% Of Employees Would Take A Pay Cut To Have Better Air Quality and Hygiene In Their Workplace

Turns out that many of us value work environments with good hygiene practices, proper ventilation and air filtration.

Chattanooga Times Free Press

What plants clean air the best?

Discover how plants can reduce the presence of toxic volatile organic compounds in your home and other environments.

Connecticut Business & Industry Association

CDC Emphasizes Ventilation as Employees Return to Work

Learn about steps you can take to reduce airborne particle concentrations.


Air quality linked to cardiac 'events,' heart disease patients unaware

There is a relationship between air quality and cardiovascular disease. Discover how you can protect yourself and stay healthy.

The New York Times

How to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus Variants

What can we do to stay healthy?

Fast Company

Your office air is making you stupider

A recent Harvard University study found that polluted indoor air, fine particulate matter specifically, impairs cognitive performance.

American Family Insurance

What Should Your Basement Humidity Level Be?

Ever wonder how much humidity is too much humidity when it comes to your basement? Read on to find out and to learn more about basement humidity.

The Atlantic

Employers Have Been Offering the Wrong Office Amenities

An unexpected benefit of the COVID-19 pandemic: better workplace air quality.


New Report Shows How To Make Schools More COVID-Safe Next Fall

Check out highlights from a brand new report out of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. The report emphasizes the importance of ventilation for reducing the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms.


Mold Course Chapter 2: Why and Where Mold Grows

This article contains useful information about what conditions foster mold growth and what you can do about it.

Indoor Chem

Humans Identified as the Largest Source of Volatile Organic Chemicals in Indoor Air

A US research team finds that 57% of the volatile organic compounds found in a university lecture theater came from people and their possessions.

U.S. Green Building Council

Preparation in the Pandemic: How Schools Implemented Air Quality Measures to Protect Occupants from COVID-19

The Center for Green Schools and ASHRAE co-authored this comprehensive report on how school districts across the U.S. have addressed Indoor Air Quality concerns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic thus far.

National Public Radio

We need to talk about your gas stove, your health and climate change

Are there health risks associated with using a gas stove? Possibly. Read on to learn about common pollutants and what you can do to protect yourself.


6 Tips For Healthy Below-Grade Spaces

Get the scoop on the exhaust fans, humidity levels, carpeting in your basement and more.


Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools

Use this table as a guide for protecting the health of children and teenagers during outdoor activity.


Covid Winter Is Coming. Could Humidifiers Help?

Low humidity helps viruses to spread and survive in your body. Find out how and why, along with how much humidity you really need.

Kaiser Health News

As Schools Spend Millions on Air Purifiers, Experts Warn of Overblown Claims and Harm to Children

As students slowly return to the classroom, schools are under pressure to ensure that the air inside their buildings is virus-free. This may be leading to unexpected harmful outcomes.


Using a humidifier in your home this winter could lower the risk of coronavirus transmission and give your immune system a leg up

Prevent virus spread and promote immune system health by increasing humidity levels in your home and other indoor spaces.


Preventing Mold in Your Home by Controlling Moisture

Control the overall level of moisture in your home to prevent mold growth. Monitor humidity levels, use exhaust fans, dry up water spills quickly and much more.

United States Consumer Product Safety Comission

The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality

Explore current Indoor Air Quality concerns and their causes. Learn about what you can do to improve the air quality in your home and other indoor environments.

American Lung Association

Cleaning Supplies and Household Chemicals

Household products can sometimes contain ingredients that are harmful to your respiratory health. Learn about healthier options for cleaning and deodorizing.


Covid gives us a chance to fix indoor air pollution forever

Studies continue to show that good Indoor Air Quality is important for physical and mental health.


How To Improve Air Quality in Your Home

Pets, ventilation, moisture, and more. Learn about how these things affect the air quality in your home and what you can do about it.

Environmental Protection Agency

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit

Here's a practical plan from the EPA that schools can use to remedy Indoor Air Quality problems at little-or no-cost.


Air quality expert recommends fourth 'W' to limit virus exposure: Open windows

An easy, free and useful strategy to prevent virus spread indoors, opening windows promotes fresh air ventilation.


How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Simple strategies to improve the air quality in your home for better health.


Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits

When the Southern California Gas company installed air filters in Los Angeles Unified School District classrooms after a gas leak, something unexpected happened: test scores went up

The Atlantic

The Plan to Stop Every Respiratory Virus at Once

An unexpected benefit? COVID-19 has made us realize the importance of building ventilation and ventilation standards to prevent the spread of viruses.

The Environmental Magazine

Air Quality at Home: 10 Ways to Purify Your Indoor Environment Naturally

Tips for improving the air quality in your home naturally. Indoor plants, essential oils, ceiling fans, and more.

The New York Times

How to Keep the Coronavirus at Bay Indoors

Don't underestimate the power of an open window or an oscillating fan. Get thinking about ways to keep the coronavirus out of your indoor spaces.

Fast Company

Before the next pandemic, it’s time to regulate Indoor Air Quality

Researchers are asking the government to think about regulating air quality.

Consumer Reports

13 Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

Discover new ways to make the air in your home cleaner and more healthy. Breathe easy!

Illinois Department of Public Health

Moisture in the Home

This fact sheet provides lots of useful information about sources of moisture in the home and the impact it can have.

Silent Spring

Air quality in “green” housing affected by toxic chemicals in building materials

Even in the green building industry, there are building materials used that create VOCs.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Keep Your Cool in Hot Weather!

Heat-related illness can affect everyone. Learn about how to protect yourself from summer scorchers.

USA Today

Air pollution inside my house could kill me. What are you breathing in at your home?

A review of how indoor air can be unhealthy, and the impacts it can have.

Environmental Protection Agency

Indoor Air Quality and Student Performance

How Indoor Air Quality impacts student performance in schools

Occupational Health and Safety

Breathe Cleanly - Steps to Purify The Air In Your Home

Steps to take to purify the air in your home

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers - Printable Version

What can you do as a builder or building owner to improve air quality?


Another look at Indoor Air Quality and "the indoor generation"

Humans are spending more time indoors than ever before - but at what cost?

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BBC News

Air pollution cancer breakthrough will rewrite the rules

Why do non-smokers get lung cancer sometimes? Researchers looked at the impact of PM2.5 on human cells.


Air Pollution Hurts Your Heart. But You Can Protect Yourself.

Air pollution doesn't just harm your lungs. Learn about ways to reduce the risk to your health.


Study Reveals 74% of US Workers Anxious Over Indoor Air Quality

Concerned about the quality of indoor air? Find out how you can leverage your HVAC system to help.

Global Health News Wire

scientists to who: requirements for ventilation systems must be reinforced

Researchers are calling on the World Health Organization to include air quality when developing standards for airborne pathogen control.

The Guardian

Air pollution likely to increase coronavirus death rate, warn experts

Underlying health damage caused by air pollution is likely to increase the coronavirus death rate.

Berkeley Lab

Ventilation Rates and Respiratory Illness

Studies indicate that low ventilation rates in buildings correspond with increased rates of respiratory illness in building occupants.

Bloomberg CityLab

Your Old Radiator Is a Pandemic-Fighting Weapon

Historically, the design of heating systems has been influenced by ideas of how to fight airborne diseases.

The New York Times

Now Is the Time to Take Care of Your Lungs. Here’s How.

Air pollution, smoking, and other factors that negatively impact lung health may worsen COVID-19 outcomes.


UCF study shows masks, ventilation stop COVID spread better than social distancing

This recent study from the University of Central Florida used computer modeling to examine how mask use and ventilation strategies impact virus transmission.

Max Planck Institute For Chemistry

Ventilation made easy

Read about this research project at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry that focuses on using ventilation to remove infectious aerosol particles from indoor air.

Urban Land Institute

Confronting COVID-19: Social Distancing, Buildings, and Lessons from Asia

Learn about strategies for building environments that can help the transmission and spread of the novel coronavirus.

The Guardian

Do you need to wash your groceries? And other advice for shopping safely

Tips for grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York Times

Mold Can Make Your Family Sick. Here’s How to Get Rid of It.

Learn more about mold, how it can affect you and what you can do to stop it from taking over your space.

University of Minnesota (CIDRAP)

Yet more data support COVID-19 aerosol transmission

Inadequate ventilation in buildings can increase the transmission and spread of COVID-19.

Medical Xpress

Reduced humidity linked to increased COVID-19 risk

A recent study conducted in Sydney, Australia examines the relationship between humidity and COVID-19 transmission.


FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Launches Effort to Improve Ventilation and Reduce the Spread of COVID-⁠19 in Buildings

The Clean Air in Buildings Challenge strives to improve Indoor Air Quality practices within organizations of all kinds.


Stability of COVID-19 and Treatment of Vented Air

Can we use portable furnaces to decontaminate virus-laden building exhaust?


CDC must encourage better ventilation to stop coronavirus spread in schools, experts say

Should the CDC be sending a stronger message to schools about the importance of proper ventilation to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

Harvard Kennedy School BELFER CENTER for Science and International Affairs

Indoor Ventilation Strategies to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 at Home

Researchers discuss practical strategies for increasing ventilation indoors that include fresh, filtered, and flowing air.

Physician's Weekly

Hotter Temperatures, Higher Humidity May Reduce COVID-19 Spread

New research suggests that higher temperatures and increased humidity may help to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The Atlantic

Everyone Thinks They’re Right About Masks

How safe is it to go outside during the coronavirus pandemic? Should I wear a mask? Explore the answers to these questions and more?

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Air-quality issues led to student headaches and burning eyes. Here's what the district is doing about it.

Learn about what one school district is doing to correct elevated carbon dioxide levels in classrooms.

National Public Radio

How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus That Can Linger In The Air

Learn about how you can control the air in your environment to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19.


The Right Level of Humidity May Be Important Weapon in Fighting Coronavirus, New Studies Show

Two scientists from very different parts of the world discover that temperature and humidity are important things to consider in the fight against COVID-19.

The Inquirer

Wiping surfaces is fine for the coronavirus, but the main risk is through the air. How to tell if your ventilation is OK.

Take a closer look at indoor ventilation methods and how they help to minimize the spread of coronavirus in the air.

Havard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics

Seasonality of SARS-CoV-2: Will COVID-19 go away on its own in warmer weather?

Explore the factors that may contribute to the seasonal nature of respiratory virus transmission.

The Atlantic

We Need to Talk About Ventilation

If airborne transmission of COVID-19 is an increasing concern, what can we do to mitigate the impact? Start by looking at ventilation.

Journal of Global Health

Fighting COVID-19 with water

Recent data supports the idea that cold, dry air increases the transmission of coronavirus and other respiratory viruses.

SSRN (Social Science Research Network)

The Effects of Increased Pollution on COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

Recent environmental regulation rollbacks are associated with increased COVID-19 cases and deaths as a result of higher air pollution levels.

Mother Jones

Your City’s Air Pollution Could Make COVID-19 Even More Dangerous

Exposure to air pollution, both past and present, can leave individuals more vulnerable COVID-19.


Coronavirus Brings Cabin Humidity Levels into Question

Emergency room physician, Jeff Gusky, shares his thoughts about how humidity may be the key in helping to reduce COVID-19 transmission during air travel.

Harvard Health Publishing

Coronavirus Resource Center

Harvard Medical School shares FAQ's, new information, and a podcast about the new coronavirus and COVID-19.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Governor Evers and DHS Urge Wisconsinites to Test Their Home for Radon

Radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Educate yourself about how to protect your home and health.

Popular Science

Tiny dust particles could help spread viruses like the flu

Dust particles can be responsible for more than just allergies. They can also be handy host for viruses as they travel through the air.


Italian study shows ventilation can cut school COVID cases by 82%

An experiment carried out between September 2021 and January 2022 showed that mechanical ventilation systems reduced the spread of COVID-19 in Italian schools.

The Science of the Total Environment

Effects of temperature and humidity on the daily new cases and new deaths of COVID-19 in 166 countries

This study examines what effect temperature and relative humidity has had on daily COVID-19 cases and deaths around the world.

The Washington Post

The coronavirus is deadly enough. But some experts suspect bad air makes it worse.

The novel coronavirus is having a significant negative impact on our health. However, other factors like poor air quality may be worsening outcomes even further.

The Guardian

Covid loses 90% of ability to infect within 20 minutes in air – study

Recent research emphasizes the significance of short-range COVID transmission.

The Atlantic

We’re Just Rediscovering a 19th-Century Pandemic Strategy

Fresh air is just as important now as it was a century ago. Ventilation strategies are holding up to the test of time.


The Air Quality In Your Home May Be Worse Than In Your Office Building

A study conducted by Texas A&M University School of Public Health study found that concentrations of certain pollutants were significantly higher in the participants’ homes compared to their offices.

wfaa.com - ABC News

Could high humidity slow the spread of COVID-19?

Emergency room physician, Jeff Gusky, talks about the relationship between humidity and the spread of viruses.

World Health Organization

Ventilation and airborne diseases

Poorly ventilated buildings don't just contribute to poor air quality - they can also foster the spread of airborne diseases.


Minimizing Coronavirus Transmission through Hospital Mechanical and Plumbing Systems

HEPA filtration, increased humidity, and 100% use of outside air are just some of the preventative strategies explored in this article.


COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act

Droplets? Fomites? Aerosols? How is COVID-19 really transmitted and how does this impact prevention?

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Associations

COVID-19 Guidance

See what REHVA experts have to say about building operation and service practices during the COVID-19 outbreak.


They Say Coronavirus Isn't Airborne—but It's Definitely Borne By Air

The novel coronavirus may not be considered an airborne virus in the truest sense by public health officials but that doesn't mean it is completely grounded either.

The Conversation

How to use ventilation and air filtration to prevent the spread of coronavirus indoors

Explore practical tools that you can use indoors to reduce the spread of virus particles.

U of T Engineering News (University of Toronto)

Air filtration and COVID-19: Indoor air quality expert explains how to keep you and your building safe

Can air filtration protect someone from getting COVID-19? What kind of filter is effective? Get the answers to these questions and more.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASHRAE Resources Available to Address COVID-19 Concerns

ASHRAE provides guidance to building industry professionals regarding ways to address COVID-19 concerns when managing HVAC systems.


Japan supercomputer shows humidity affects aerosol spread of coronavirus

A Japanese supercomputer supports the importance of proper humidification in reducing the spread of virus particles.


Coronavirus: Humidity key to minimize virus transmission — study

Indian and German researchers discuss the importance of humidity standards for public indoor environments.

BBC Future

Covid-19: How long does the coronavirus last on surfaces?

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can survive on surfaces longer than you might expect. It's about more than washing your hands and wearing a mask.

Aerosol and Air Quality Research

An Overview on the Role of Relative Humidity in Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Indoor Environments

This study highlights the importance of a 40-60% relative humidity standard for indoor environments.

National Geographic

Here’s how coronavirus spreads on a plane—and the safest place to sit

Air travel is a game changer when is comes to the spread of respiratory illnesses like the novel coronavirus. Check out the probability of coming into contact with the virus if there is an infected person on your flight.

The Hill

The coronavirus outbreak is an epidemiological situation unique to China

The number of coronavirus cases in China is not the only factor to consider when looking at this recent epidemic. Societal and cultural differences also play an important role.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities

Protect yourself and others from spreading COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses by engaging in healthy practices like hand washing, disinfection, and more. Keep your community healthy!

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Indoor Air Quality

Learn about indoor air pollutants and how they impact Indoor Air Quality and the respiratory system.

Environmental Health Perspective

Pollen Overload: Seasonal Allergies in a Changing Climate

Evidence suggests that the number of people suffering from seasonal allergies will rise in a changing climate due to longer growing seasons and rising C02 levels.

National Public Radio

When LA's Air Got Better, Kids' Asthma Cases Dropped

The Southern California Children's Health Study shows positive health trends occur when air pollution is reduced. As pollution decreased, so did the number of new asthma cases in children.

CTV News

Increasing indoor humidity can protect against the flu: researchers

Scientists are discovering that dry air helps viruses and bacteria to live longer, while also interfering with our body's natural ability to rid itself of these particles.


‘Green’ buildings appear to boost health of low-income residents

According to a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) study, residents of low-income housing appear to benefit from living in “green” buildings that improve Indoor Air Quality.

Environmental Protection Agency

Report on the Environment : Indoor Air Quality

An EPA review of Indoor Air Quality

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

What is a mold allergy?

Learn about what a mold allergy is, symptoms to watch for, and current treatments. Discover ways to prevent allergic reactions to mold growth in your home.

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Visual Capitalist

Safe Spaces: Why Indoor Air Quality Has Never Mattered More

Sick building syndrome and airborne viruses are contributing to the increased attention surrounding Indoor Air Quality systems.


ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Releases Updated Airborne Transmission Guidance

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers shares an official statement re: the airborne transmission of SARS CoV-2 in buildings.


Manufacturers Look at Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality While Controlling Costs

The coronavirus pandemic has pushed IAQ to the forefront for building owners. Read about how they are meeting the challenge head on.

Smarter House

Whole-House Ventilation Strategies

Learn about the three main types of ventilation used in homes: Exhaust-Only, Supply-Only and Balanced

U of T Engineering News (University of Toronto)

Air filtration and COVID-19: Indoor air quality expert explains how to keep you and your building safe

Can air filtration protect someone from getting COVID-19? What kind of filter is effective? Get the answers to these questions and more.

The Atlantic

How I Mastered the Art of Ventilating My Home

Fans, fans, and more fans! Learn about how strategic placement of these inexpensive devices can help to ventilate your space.

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Air Cleaners, HVAC Filters, and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Air cleaners and HVAC filters can offer a strong defense against transmission of COVID-19 when used in conjunction with other strategies such as ventilation and mask wearing.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Portable Air Cleaners: Selection and Application Considerations for COVID-19 Risk Reduction

This reference document provides a guideline for the use of portable air cleaners as part of a layered strategy to fight the spread of COVID-19.


Minimizing Coronavirus Transmission through Hospital Mechanical and Plumbing Systems

HEPA filtration, increased humidity, and 100% use of outside air are just some of the preventative strategies explored in this article.

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Associations

COVID-19 Guidance

See what REHVA experts have to say about building operation and service practices during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Urban Land Institute

Confronting COVID-19: Social Distancing, Buildings, and Lessons from Asia

Learn about strategies to use in building environments that can help the transmission and spread of the novel coronavirus.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASHRAE Resources Available to Address COVID-19 Concerns

ASHRAE provides guidance to building industry professionals regarding ways to address COVID-19 concerns when managing HVAC systems.


The Air Quality's Terrible Out There. So How Can You Keep It Clean Indoors?

Want to know more about keeping your indoor air clean? Check out this podcast from a Northern California member station of NPR and PBS.


Why You Should Take Home Ventilation Seriously

Indoor air can be polluted with dust mites, pet dander, mold, and much more. Whole-home ventilation strategies can help.


Filtration and Disinfection

ASHRAE shares recommendations for the use and care of HVAC filters during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ventilation should be part of the conversation on school reopening. Why isn’t it?

One parent talks about why air filtration and other COVID-19 prevention practices may not be enough for kids returning to school.


Why the fight against COVID-19 must include indoor air humidity

An often overlooked aspect of poor health and virus transmission is dry indoor air.


Discussing the CDC and ASHRAE Recommendations for HVAC Systems

It's important to consider unique building environments, current design, climate and more when modifying HVAC systems to prevent virus spread.


Airborne transmission of coronavirus has made high-end air filtration systems more popular than ‘toilet paper in April’ as HVAC systems sell out

Mounting evidence indicates that proper air filtration and ventilation can reduce the spread of coronavirus. A big increase in air filtration system sales is the result.

Environmental Protection Agency

Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home

This short consumer guide from the EPA includes information about portable air cleaners, furnace and HVAC filters used in the home. Also contains tips for selecting a portable air cleaner, furnace filter, or HVAC filter.

National Public Radio

Coronavirus FAQ: Is It A Good Idea To Buy An Air Cleaner For My Home?

Air cleaners could play an important role in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in your home and other indoor environments.


Top ten ways homeowners can ensure good Indoor Air Quality

Learn about how to store volatile compounds, good ventilation techniques for your home, proper placement of HVAC systems, and much more.


A gym trainer exposed 50 athletes to Covid-19, but no one else got sick because of a ventilation redesign

Read about how one gym owner and member worked together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the facility, while promoting wellness by allowing doors to stay open.

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National Association of Home Builders

NAHB Identifies Top Features and Design Trends for 2021 in the Wake of COVID-19

See how COVID-19 has recently impacted trends in home design.


THE SURPRISING TRUTH ABOUT INDOOR AIR QUALITY Home builders are finding IAQ is a powerful home selling differentiator.

Home builders are discovering the importance of IAQ as a powerful selling tool.

Parks Associates

Almost 50% of US broadband households have a health condition sensitive to Indoor Air Quality

Recent statistics confirm that many people have health conditions that are imapcted by Indoor Air Quality.

Your Home: Australia's guide to environmentally sustainable homes

The healthy home

This article provides useful information about indoor air pollutants and their effect on health for better decision making during home rennovation or new building projects.

American Lung Association

New Construction and Remodeling Tips

Check out these helpful tips for new home construction or remodeling projects.

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Breathe easy: Indoor air quality tips

Eliminating excess moisture and reducing appliance emissions are some of the strategies suggested in this article for improving the Indoor Air Quality in your home.

Building Design & Construction

Healthy air systems have become the new “standard equipment.”

Progressive builders, in tune with home buyer demand, are beginning to see the value of specializing in "healthy home" building design.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Indoor Air Pollutants and Toxic Materials

This chapter in the CDC's Healthy Housing Reference Manual discusses various indoor air pollutants and how to mitigate their effects on your health.


Even ‘green’ homes contain hazardous chemicals

Are green homes actually green?

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