AprilAire’s whole-house products help tackle your Indoor Air Quality concerns by providing effective virus protection, reducing indoor allergens, and mitigating asthma triggers.
Enjoy health benefits like improved sleep, reduced stress, fewer incidences of illnesses so you and your family can Breathe the Fullness of Life.
Designed and manufactured in the USA, AprilAire whole-house products combine durability, energy efficiency, and contemporary style for Healthy Air by Design.
Since building the first whole-home humidifier in 1954, AprilAire has been committed to creating a healthy home environment with durability, innovation, and energy conservation in mind.
Designed and manufactured in the United States, your whole-house products are built to address your home’s specific indoor air needs and improve your home’s Indoor Air Quality.
A multitude of AprilAire products were recently awarded for their innovation and energy efficiency by several leading consumer organizations, including ENERGY STAR® and Consumer Reports. To learn more about the awards and products that received them, visit AprilAire’s awards page.
You can also conveniently access your whole-house products through the Healthy Air app where you can control performance and receive notifications to keep your products and HVAC system running efficiently.
In 1954, Aprilaire built the first whole-home humidifier. Since then, we have continued to pursue excellence in creating Healthy Air products for your home.
Want to learn more? Click here.to learn more about Healthy Air products
Healthy Air Professionals Who Care
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