Protect Your Home
Protect yourself and your family from airborne contaminants by helping your home inhale the good air and exhale the bad air.
Delivering Healthy Air since 1954 to help you feel better, sleep better, and live better. With solutions to manage all aspects of Indoor Air Quality for all types of homes in all environments, AprilAire is committed to helping you achieve a greater quality of life. Our whole-house signature solution — the AprilAire Healthy Air System® — provides all-in-one fresh air ventilation, air purification, humidity control, zoning control, radon mitigation, and sanitization which are all essential to maintaining proper IAQ. AprilAire Ventilation Systems determine the best time to bring in fresh air from the outside, reducing energy usage, and are considered an important tool in reducing airborne pollutants indoors. AprilAire is Healthy Air.
Protect yourself and your family from airborne contaminants by helping your home inhale the good air and exhale the bad air.
Ventilation dilutes harmful volatile organic compounds and manages odors by bringing in fresh, outdoor air.
Ventilation provides the comfortable and efficient delivery of fresh air throughout the home.
Fill your home with Healthy Air for improved virus protection, greater health, increased productivity, and better sleep with the all-in-one AprilAire Healthy Air System®.
What's Included:
Establish a Healthy Home with AprilAire Healthy Air Professionals that care. We have over 4,500 pros nationwide who are ready to help you find the best Healthy Air solutions for your home, no matter what your needs may be. Start your journey with AprilAire.