Amazon Alexa Commands for Thermostat
Use the below commands to control your home's temperature with your Amazon Alexa. Need to set up AprilAire voice skills on your Amazon Alexa device? Click here to learn more.

Before we begin, if you have an AprilAire Thermostat in your home, you’ll need to specify which thermostat you’re referencing by mentioning the name you chose for them – for example, “Upstairs” or “Downstairs.”
Set Your Preferred Temperature
"Alexa, set/turn/change <room/device name> to XX degrees."
Increase the Temperature
"Alexa, raise/increase <room/device name> temperature by X degrees."
Lower the Temperature
"Alex lower/decrease <room/device name> temperature by X degrees."
Find Out the Indoor Temperature
"Alexa, what is <room/device name> temperature?"
At What Temperature is the Thermostat Currently
"Alexa, what is <room/device name> temperature set to?"
Check out the latest AprilAire Plus skill commands that will keep you on top of the temperature, humidity, and air quality in your home. All you have to do is ask!
Get Current Status
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to for the <room/device name> status."
Set "Away" Mode
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to set <room/device name>away mode to <on/off>."
Status Check
"Alexa, ask AprilAire my <room/device name> status."
Set Air Cleaning Mode
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to set <room/device name> air cleaning to<on/off>."
Start an Air Cleaning Event
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to run an air cleaning event for <3/24> in <room/device name>."
Set Fresh Air Mode
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to set <room/device name> fresh air to <on/off>."
Start a Fresh Air Event
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to run a fresh air event for <3/24> in <room/device name>."
Get Current Temperature
"Alexa, ask AprilAire for <room/device name> temperature."
Set Desired Temperature
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to set <room/device name> to<desired temperature>."
Increase Temperature
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to raise <room/device name> by <amount> degrees."
Decrease Temperature
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to lower <room/device name> by <amount> degrees."
Set Up Heat Blast
"Alexa, ask AprilAire to turn <on/off> <room/device name> heat blast."
Get Humidity Status
"Alexa, ask AprilAire for <room/device name> humidity."
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